Culture Katie Riggs Culture Katie Riggs

Episode 05: How Family Dynamics and Roles Shape Authenticity

In this episode we will continue to the conversation around authenticity as it relates to our family dynamics and the roles we play. Figuring out who you are and living authentically can be challenging enough, but adding in all the roles that come with life…daughter, mother, wife who you are can get lost in the roles we play.

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Culture Katie Riggs Culture Katie Riggs

Episode 04: Finding Your Place

Being authentic means that you act in ways that show your true self and how you feel. Rather than showing people only a particular side of yourself, you express your whole self genuinely. That means to succeed in being authentic, you first have to know who your true self actually is. It can be really hard to live authentically each and everyday. We as mothers, professionals, partners and friends know this all too well.

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